It is despicable to suggest, as Zoetis has, that they souls were anything but real, living, cherished family members.
Librela® ended their lives

Nor are the thousands of other dogs who have died following Librela injections, or the tens of thousands who have been gravely injured and are struggling to recover ‘rumors’.

Librela® is no Miracle Treatment for Arthritis! Unless, that is, the manufacturer Zoetis can raise our dogs from the dead. Deaths caused by their drug. Zoetis is misinforming veterinarians and all of us - hiding the truth in pursuit of profits. Don’t let your beloved pet be their victim.

Far from being rumors, the CDC and the NIH consider social media reports as important signalling sources - virtual places where dangerous side effects are discussed well in advance of official analyses. A team of professional statisticians and data analysts have calculated the mean incident rate of serious side effects as likely 1/110. This means that serious side effects are not rare.

If vets were properly informed about the risks and side effects of Librela®, the more than 70,000 social media group members would never need to turn to community to understand what is happening to their pet following the injections. If your pet has not yet been injected, you are so fortunate! You have the opportunity to educate yourself about the side effects (known as adverse events) that have been reported world wide for tens of thousands of animals, and that includes thousands of deaths. Many within hours or days of being injected with this irreversible drug.

Visit: Petadvocare.com for information on side effects, links to official data sources and articles and videos by veterinarians about Librela® (AKA Beransa).

Visit: Pawsoverprofits.org for information multiple avenues to take action on Librela® (dogs) and Solensia (for cats).

Visit: https://librela.d8abased.com to see the data for yourself (covering all markets in which Librela® (AKA Beransa) is available).

Despite the volume of evidence that this drug is unsafe, unpredictable and potentially lethal for any animal, we see hundreds of new reports every day. Young dogs, senior dogs, middle aged dogs - they are all vulnerable to the potentially catastrophic consequences of Librela® injections. There is NO way to predict how an individual animal will respond. It is Russian Roulette with a Syringe and it cannot be detoxed once it is in their system, it will remain there for 110 days or more. Spare your dog, educate your vet, stay safe. We can’t save our dogs, but yours can live!

And just for the record, we are no foil-hatted conspiracy mongers - we are normal people who are determined not to let our dogs’ deaths be without some benefit to others. We are lawyers, nurses, biologists, geographers, researchers and many more.