Our Dog’s Stories

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    Tuff's Librela Story

    Tuff was an active Boston Terrier who loved to play ball with his family. Within 24 hours of receiving only one injection of Librela, Tuff began exhibiting the common Librela side effects: ataxia, confusion, labored breathing, lethargy, collapsing, hind leg paralysis. Within 2 months, Tthis lively, energetic pup lost his battle with Librela.

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    Sally's Librela Story

    Sally was a beautiful shepherd who loved to play with her siblings. When she started to slow down, her vet recommended Librela. After the first doses, Sally started collapsing, stumbling, exhibiting signs of hind leg paralysis, labored breathing, confusion, ataxia, excessive thirst. Within two months, Sally lost her battle with Librela succumbing to kidney failure.

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    Angel's Librela Story

    Angel was her mom's soul dog. After a single injection of Librela, Angel's health deteriorated - ataxia, hind leg weakness, confusion - within 2 months Angel's suffered kidney failure and her mom had to make the heart-wrenching decision to let her go.

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    Christopher's Librela Story

    Christopher was an active cheerful mini poodle. After his first injection of Librela, he started exhibiting classic Librela side effects: ataxia, confusion, stumbling, excessive thirst, heavy panting, lethargy, pacing and blindness. Christopher's mom says her pup's serious side effects have been a "nightmare for her family".

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    Princey's Librela Story

    Princey was a playful energetic pup who love to play hide and seek with his family. After a single injection of Librela, Princey started exhibiting Librela side effects: ataxia, confusion, diarrhea, tremors, anorexia, heavy, labored breathing. Princey suffered a painful condition also attributed to Librela called immune mediated thrombocytopenia that causes antibodies to attack its own blood cells causing massive internal bleeding. Princey never recovered.

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    Bailey's Librela Story

    Bailey received her first and only injection of Librela during a holiday visit with family at the recommendation of a vet. Within just 3 weeks she started exhibiting the Librela side effects: ataxia, stumbling, confusion, seizures. Even though her mom refused the second injection, Bailey's health continued to decline and she never recovered.

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    Marley's Librela Story

    Marley was a beautiful 8 year old German Shepherd who loved car rides with dad. Within 2 weeks of his first injection, Marley suffered the common Librela side effects: lethargy, excessive thirst, heavy, labored breating, anorexia, incontinence. According to his mom, Marley "lost his zest for life" because of Librela. He never recovered.