Our Team

Donna Pope- Co-Executive Director

Donna is a Registered Nurse with over 22 years of surgical experience. She has devoted her life to caring for others.  Because of her caring nature and great love of animals, she has become a staunch supporter and advocate for the safety and wellbeing of all pets. In December of 2023, Donna took her beloved Gumbo for his annual checkup. Librela was prescribed for undiagnosed mild arthritis which led to a very tragic event for both Donna and her loyal family member and companion. Over the course of the next 10 days, Gumbo suffered severe and debilitating side effects as he battled for his life. Gumbo lost his battle with Librela on January 8,2024. He died in Donna's arms after suffering a massive seizure. Gumbo was a happy and healthy dog who loved life and his family unconditionally. 

 After experiencing such a tragic event and realizing Gumbo's death could have been prevented, Donna has made it her life's mission to ensure that pet parents are properly informed of any and all risk associated with animal pharmaceuticals and procedures. She is committed to increasing public awareness and promoting safer practices within the animal health community so that no other pet or family suffers as her family and Gumbo have. 

Lita Dwight - Co-Executive Director

Lita is a passionate lawyer and advocate for animals, driven by her lifelong love and dedication to their welfare. Over the past decade, she has championed animal rights and welfare as a board member of the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, using her legal expertise to make a meaningful impact.

As an avid dog lover, Lita experienced a profound loss when her beloved dog Lacey passed away within 36 hours of receiving her first and only Librela injection. This heartbreaking event fueled Lita's determination to prevent others from experiencing a similar tragedy. She has become a vocal advocate for informed consent, emphasizing the importance of disseminating information and ensuring that pet owners are fully aware of the risks associated with veterinary pharmaceuticals and other treatments.

Lita's advocacy work extends beyond her legal career, as she tirelessly campaigns for transparency, ethical practices, and the well-being of animals. Her personal experience has shaped her commitment to making a
positive difference in the lives of animals and their human companions.